From Doubt to Determination: My Journey of Defying Odds in the Restaurant Industry

I remember the day when I quietly removed myself from the crowded world and treaded my own path towards success. We had moved to a new town and the career I had worked so hard on was left behind with no opportunity in this new place that I lived. I had previously owned my own business and really enjoyed building something I could learn so much from and in the end be so proud of. I knew how much work and effort owning my own business took and yet I decided I wanted to own my own business again. It was a daunting decision, especially since I was venturing into the competitive realm of the restaurant industry, an industry notorious for its challenges and high failure rates. But I was determined, fueled by a passion for my Basque culture, a love of all food and a burning desire to prove the naysayers wrong. I had a vision of buying a small deli, mainly for its equipment, and transforming it through rebranding to a Basque themed deli restaurant and catering business. 

I encountered numerous obstacles along the way, each one testing my resilience and determination. Despite facing doubt and skepticism from many individuals, I remained undeterred in pursuing my dreams within the restaurant business. I acknowledged their concerns regarding my lack of experience and the competitive nature of the industry, but I chose to rise above it all. With a positive mindset and intense focus on my goals, I ventured into this journey, determined to succeed. 

The early years were tough, as I faced hurdles of having to learn everything within my business, long working hours, and many many moments of self-doubt. Of course all of this while raising two amazing children who were busy and involved in many activities and who needed a taxi to get them to those activities, and I was not going to miss out on being there for them. I had many sleepless nights and overwhelmed moments, yet with determined perseverance, I pushed forward. I immersed myself in learning everything about running a successful restaurant - from creating a desirable and profitable menu, learning how to implement efficient and consistent operations to training my team about the value of customer service. 

I researched and read a lot about successful restaurant operations and how to cook for large numbers of people, sought advice from mastermind business professionals, asked the vendors I worked with lots of questions, and continuously honed my skills in management. I made many mistakes along the way and learned most from these mistakes. The more I learned, the more I realized there was more to learn. I made sure I spent time working in each area of my business to gain a better perspective on what worked and what needed to change. I also wanted to build rapport with my team, never asking them to do something I wouldn’t be able or willing to do. But equally important, I wanted to learn what each of their strengths were and delegate tasks accordingly because the reality is we can’t all be good at everything. I knew my employees were the secret to successfully building the vision I had in mind and I was so grateful for all of them. 

Slowly, my rebranded Basque themed restaurant began to gain traction, attracting a loyal customer base who appreciated the unique experience I was offering. Word of mouth spread, and our reputation grew stronger. I advertised with food and found that donating food to the local community was the best way to give back and also to market your food. I soon realized that while there were significant challenges in this industry, there was also immense joy and fulfillment in seeing customers enjoy my creations. I went into this restaurant business venture with my end goal in mind. I had a vision for what I wanted to build and a vision for an exit plan when my family was ready to move on. Each day I wrote in my journal my struggles, my goals, my intentions and my dreams. 

My restaurant business was not my first business, but it is the one that I chose to share today. I am proud of the restaurant brand I created, proud to have passed on a thriving business within the time frame I set for my own goals and proud to share my story as a testament to my resilience and determination as a business owner. Every successful business owner has a similar story, success is never built overnight, but from the outside perspective no one knows the struggle along the way. The obstacles I faced along the way have made me stronger and more confident in my abilities as a business coach and as a professional who is capable of consulting others in their business journey. I have learned the importance of believing in oneself, staying focused on the goal, and never succumbing to negativity. Looking back, I am grateful that I chose to step away from the crowd and follow my dreams. It was a risk worth taking, as it has brought me immense personal and professional growth. So to those who said I couldn't, I thank them for pushing me harder and driving me towards my success. And to those of you who wonder if you can have your own successful business…my answer is undeniably YES! Need help getting started or growing your business?

Anamarie Lopategui

Anamarie has grown and sold multiple businesses, including a highly profitable restaurant venture, acquiring a wide range of skills along the way. Combining her passion and expertise in business creation and operation, Anamarie established Bideako by Anamarie Lopategui. Her ultimate goal is to assist fellow entrepreneurs in realizing their business dreams by sharing her wealth of knowledge and experience.

The Entrepreneur's Dilemma: Choosing Between Starting or Buying a Business!