Business BUY-ology
Online Course

The Masterclass to Evaluating, Buying and Building a Profitable Business

Learn How to Assess an Existing Business, Navigate the Buying Process and Brand and Revamp a Business for Success!

The Business BUY-ology Promise

  • Transform into a confident business owner by mastering entrepreneurial habits and mindset and learn how to identify a business that fits your values, passions, lifestyle and profit goals. 

  • Gain confidence and navigate the business buying process with ease and set up your business for success.

  • Confidently manage ownership transitions and build a growth-oriented team.

  • Understand the potential of revamping and rebranding your business to enhance growth, ensuring your business remains dynamic and competitive.

Business coach Anamarie Lopategui from Bideako will help you confidently assess, buy and revamp an existing business.

What To Expect From The Course

  • Vision to Victory: Adopt an entrepreneurial mindset and business habits that will allow you to tackle challenges and make strategic decisions in owning, operating and growing a profitable and successful business.

  • Profitable Passion Method: Use this method to easily identify the best business to buy based on YOUR personal lifestyle, passions, and interests and if they are profitable.

  • Launchpad Essentials: Gain essential knowledge and skills in market research, professional team assembly, legal setup, and business planning for a successful business purchase and transition.

  • Demystify the Buying Process: Know the ins and outs of the buying process so that you can grasp and execute the necessary steps at the appropriate time. Discover how to accurately assess a business's worth and its potential for profit growth, giving you the confidence to make the right investment.

  • Build Your Powerhouse Teams:  learn how to build your dream team of employees and supporters that will not only transition with you as a new owner, but also understand your new business vision and grow the business with you. 

  • Thrive Through Transition: Navigate and manage the critical initial phase of business ownership effectively, ensuring a smooth transition for both customers and employees.

  • Rebrand and Revamp: Evaluate strategic considerations for rebranding by assessing current success factors and determining if a rebrand will enhance growth potential.

When You Join, You’ll Receive:

  • 1-to-1 Welcome To Business BUY-ology Call:

    • A 30-minute personal call with Anamarie to discuss questions and make sure you get the most out of the course.

  • Business Buy-ology Online Digital Course:

    • Access to 25+ videos organized into 7 phases.

    • Downloadable templates, resources and digital course materials.

Is Buying a Business Right for You? Bideako by Anamarie Lopategui provides business coaching that guides you to overcome your fears and provide confidence to make the right decision.