One-to-One Coaching

Transform Your Business!

Elevate Profits, Overcome Defeat, Reignite Passion and Become a Confident Business Leader.

Tailored Coaching for Profit, Purpose, and Passion

The Bideako 1:1 Private Coaching Program offers personalized coaching, mentoring, and tools to transform your business and life. Tailored to your needs, it focuses on building a profitable, aligned and purposeful business while achieving your personal and professional goals.

We assist small business owners who feel stuck, overwhelmed or unprofitable, helping them elevate their business, streamline operations and reignite their passion. Our clients are driven, eager to grow, and committed to making a positive impact.

Carrie is a small business owner who found success with Bideako's Private One-to-One Coaching.

“My business was struggling and I felt overwhelmed and disorganized. Bideako gave me the confidence I needed to push forward. Now my business is thriving and I’ve rediscovered my love for it.”

How Bideako’s Private One-to-One Coaching Works

We help small business owners who feel defeated by low profitability and isolation, guiding them to overcome challenges, regain financial success, and make confident decisions for lasting growth.

Initial Assessment & Goal Setting

  • Business & Life Audit: Assess the current health of your business, personal goals, and improvement areas. Clarify core values, vision, and mission.

  • Goal Setting: Define clear, measurable short-term and long-term goals.

Weekly 1-Hour 1:1 Zoom Coaching

  • Focused Coaching: Weekly sessions to address challenges, provide "how-to" solutions, and adjust strategies in real-time.

  • Progress Review: Regular check-ins to monitor and refine goals and strategies.

Unlimited Email & Chat Access

  • Ongoing Support: Receive continuous guidance and motivation between sessions.

  • Quick Solutions: Access to on-going personal assistance with business issues as they arrive.

Individualized Success Pathway

  • Personalized Roadmap: Create a tailored, evolving step-by-step plan to keep you on track.

  • Goal Achievement: Develop action plans to reach milestones aligned with your values and goals.

Tools, Templates, & Strategies

  • Custom Resources: Access exclusive tools, templates, and "how-to" guides for budgets, marketing and operations.

  • Growth Materials: Utilize tailored resources to increase profits and drive long-term business success.

Guidance, Mentoring, & Accountability

  • Ongoing Mentorship: Receive personalized advice for business and personal challenges and make informed decisions.

Here’s What Can You Expect With Bideako’s Private One-to-One Business Coaching

Bideako is dedicated to inspiring, educating, and guiding you every step of the way through our coaching, consulting and mentoring. Our approach is characterized by hard work, honesty, integrity, creativity, and innovation. We believe in making a positive impact, building strong relationships, and helping you reach your full potential.

Your can expect your business profits to increase when working with Bideako Coaching.

Increased Profitability:
Develop and implement strategies to boost your business’s bottom line.

You can expect renewed passion and purpose for your business with coaching from Bideako.

Renewed Passion & Purpose: Align your business with your personal values to reignite your enthusiasm and drive.

You can expect better business efficiency and balance when working with Bideako's coaching services.

Enhanced Efficiency & Balance: Streamline operations for better work-life balance and more effective time management.

You will be able to make confident business decisions with the help of Bideako's business coaching services.

Confident Decision-Making: Gain the clarity and skills to make informed, impactful decisions with confidence.

You can expect long-term business and life success with the help of Bideako's business coaching services.

Long-Term Success: Build a sustainable, purposeful business that supports your business and life goals.

Who Is This Program For?

This program is ideal for business owners who are ready to:

  • Overcome obstacles that are holding their business back.

  • Align their business with their personal values and goals.

  • Achieve long-term profitability and success.

  • Receive personalized, hands-on guidance and support.

  • Commit to growth and transformation in both business and life.

Let’s Get Started Now!

Ready to take your business and life to the next level? Let’s begin this transformative journey together. Schedule a consultation today to discuss how the Bideako 1:1 Private Coaching Program can help you achieve your goals.